SHAWAL GROUP has started operation as a real estate venture known as “AMADER PROPERTIES LTD.” Since 2011. This project turned out to be a very successful one and had helped faster the growth of trust and confidence of the urban people in Dhaka’s burgeoning population, coupled with a conspicuously slow growth of housing led to the landmark success of SHAWAL GROUP.

Driven by the ramifications of this success, Shawal Group geared up to invest in new fields, including Construction and Consultancy. Since 2014 Our concern “SIGN ENGINEERING LIMITED” is a leading up growing construction firm in the Bangladesh which basically involved in active role of constructing multi-Storied Buildings, Roads, Bridges, River Embankment, Steel structure works etc. with private, Industrial, Factory, NGO, Multinational, Government and non-Government organizations. We are interested especially works with PWD, LGED, PHED, BADC, RAJUK, R&H, BWDB, CMMU, Bangladesh Sports Council, Dhaka City Corporation, Bangladesh Civil Aviation, Facilities Department, UGC approved Universities.

“NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS” is another concern or Shawal Group who works with Real estate consultancy & export-import Since 2016.

The group experienced this tremendous growth in a span of less than 10 years. During this period, additional schemes on land development and real estate were launched and those projects focused more sharply on increasing responsiveness to client needs.

The Group has come a long way in reaching its goals by listening to client needs, learning real-time lessons from past projects, innovating and partnering its project implementation process. Through major investment undertakings in all key sectors, Shawal Grpup has meaningfully contributed to the country’s economic stability in financial and capital markets. Underlying all of the Group’s activities are the common threads of change, flexibility, and fostering closer ties with the Government, the City Corporation and Shawal Grpup clients. Most of its projects have been success stories – this fact alone is enough to justify a sense of confidence in the Group’s future.